
What is the percentage increase/decrease?

What is the value of percentage increase?

What is the value of percentage decrease?

What is the percent of decimal?

What is the decimal to percent?

What is percent error between Experimental and Theoretical value?

What is the percentage increase/decrease?

What is the percent of decimal?

What is the decimal to percent?

What is percent error between Experimental and Theoretical value?


Use our percentage calculator for many different percentage calculations. Starting with – what is X of Y? The tool is user-friendly and easy to master in no time. All you need to do is input two fields, and after you press calculate, the answer that you require will automatically be filled in the third field.

You can try entering various combinations in different fields to get an idea of how our tool works. It also shows the complete history of your calculations so that it is easy to keep track.

Value from Percentage
In order to calculate the value based on the percentage, we use the formula V = P% * X
For example, to calculate 20% of 300, we can use the formula mentioned above.

1) Using the formula, V = P% * X, we have P as 20%, X, in this case, is 300.
2) Substituting the values in the formula, we have, V = 20% * 300
3) 20% converted to decimal form equals 0.20
4) So, the value V = 0.20 * 300 = 60
5) V = 60
6) Hence, 20% of 300 is 60.

Using the Percentage Calculator
We need to input '20' in the first field and '300' in the second field. The calculator will then return the value 60, which is the same value we got from our calculations.

Converting value to percentage
While there are several different ways of calculating the percentage of a number, the easiest of all indicates the percentage (P) as P = X1/X2 * 100. This is read as X1 is P percentage of X2.

For example, to find out 80 is what percentage of 200, we use the formula P = X1/X2 * 100
1) Using the formula, P = X1/X2 * 100, we have X1 as 80 and X2 as 200.
2) Substituting the values in the formula, we have P = 80/200 * 100
3) 80/200 is 0.40
4) 0.40 is the decimal form. To convert it to percentage, we need to multiply it by 100
5) So 0.40 to percentage is 0.40 *100 = 40%
6) Hence, 80 is 40% of 200.

Using the Percentage Calculator
We need to input '80' in the first field and '200' in the second field. The calculator will return the value 40%, which is the same as we got from our calculation.

Percentage Increase/Decrease
Sometimes, it is preferred to mention the increase or decrease of a quantity in terms of percentage. The percentage increase or decrease can be calculated by computing the difference between the two values and expressing it relative to the initial value. Mathematically, the difference is taken as an absolute value, and the increase is mentioned with a '+'sign, and the decrease is indicated with a '-' sign.

Example 1
For example, if the price of a product has increased from $200 to $240, and we need to find the percentage change, we use the formula, P = V2 - V1 V1 * 100

1) Using the formula, P = V2 - V1 V1 * 100, we have V2 as 240, V1 as 200.
2) Substituting the values in the formula, we have P = 240 - 200 200 * 100
3) P = 40 200 * 100 = 0.20 * 100 = 20%
4) Hence, the price of the product has increased by 20 percentage from 200

Using the Percentage Calculator
To calculate the Percentage Increase, we need to input 200 in the first field and 240 in the second field. This will give the output as 20% indicating that there has been an increase of 20% from 200 to 240.

Example 2
On the other hand, if the price has decreased from $200 to $180, and we need to find the percentage change, we use the same formula P = V2 - V1 V1 * 100

1) Using the formula, P = V2 - V1 V1 * 100 we have V2 as 180, V1 as 200.
2) Substituting the values in the formula, P = 180 - 200 200 * 100
3) P = - 20 200 * 100 = - 0.10 * 100 = - 10%
4) The negative sign in -10% indicates that the price has decreased from its initial value.
5) Hence, the price has changed by -10% or decreased by 10% from its initial value of $200.

Using the Percentage Calculator
To calculate the Percentage Decrease, we need to input 200 in the first field and 180 in the second field. The calculator gives an output of -10%, indicating that there has been a 10% decrease in the price from $200.

Uses of Percentage Calculator
These functions are required in almost every sphere of life and are crucial to managing finances:
-    If you have ever visited a grocery store, you would definitely have come across coupons or banners screaming 'discount!' or would have received a bill with complicated percentage calculations.
-    If you are a commerce student, then these calculations would be a daily occurrence in your life—such as tax, interest, inflation, etc.

What is the percentage?
A percentage is just one of the many ways that a number, ratio, or fraction can be expressed. It is vastly used in day to day life to express probabilities, marks, and so much more.
The sign used to depict it is '%.' Suppose 10% would mean 0.10, 10 pct, 10/100, or ten-hundredths.
If you have witnessed the symbol with additional circles, then it isn't a mistake. Here's what that means:
‰ – per thousand (per mille)
‱ - per ten thousand (basis point)